Logistic modeling of information and financial security in merchandising

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 76-79

Formed priorities logistics in the distribution system at the meso level, presents a number of requirements that must be considered in the formation and functioning model of information support system of goods, justified the formation and rational distribution of multifunctional logistics distribution centers, designed structure mezologisticheskoy system of information and financial support.

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The specifics of the agro-economic development in Russia forecast scenario

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 73-75

The paper analyzes the specifics of the development scenario projected under current Russian conditions as the economic architectonics of agricultural production in Russia.

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Prospects of social-investment redistribution in brunch investment formation

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 70-72

The author examines the current state of the investment market, the need for the efficient use of potential investment resources and the need for investment inflows in the post-crisis economy. The investment potential of the railway industry, the need for additional sources of financing and their possible source as the savings of railwaymen are also analyzed. The possible positive tendency of the rise of staff’s living standards of the sector by means of the effective integration of their savings into the investment potential of their industry.

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Integrative management of urban public transport

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 66-69

In the article the situation intensified transport system of production based on the use of innovative management of urban public transport, which provides proactive elimination of contradictions between the participants of public transport and operating conditions.

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The transformation of the logistics system transportation of finished products in accordance with the needs of consumers

p. 62-65

Disclosed the essential characteristics of the logistics of transport provision, through the process of meeting the customer's needs for transport services, through the process of determining the level of quality customer service logistics, the basic problems of transformation of the logistics system transportation of finished products in accordance with the needs of consumers.

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Improving the mechanism of stimulating technical rearmament of industrial enterprises

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 59-61

In this article discloses the directions to strengthen the motivation technical rearmament of industrial enterprises. The author identifies the factors, impeding of technical and technological renewal of production. Submitted recommendations to improve the mechanism of stimulating innovation development industrial enterprises.

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Integration program of medical services quality management system in hospitals of the Rostov region

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 53-58

One of major factors of creation of system of high-quality and available medical care is existence uniform for all territory of the Russian Federation of orders and standards of rendering of medical care at the most widespread and social and significant diseases and pathological conditions. Therefore this article is actual.

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Creation date assessment of economic performance on earnings of the Russian Federation

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 49-52

The Russian Federation currently operates a system of national accounting (SNA) and the 1992 performance assessment made by income without material costs and double counting. The article deals with the problems of national accounting systems used in the Russian Federation. These problems have arisen because of the underutilization of discoveries economic theory. The paper proposes to use additional indicators to assess the state of the economy.

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Methodological approaches to the analysis and diagnosis of the financial and economic condition of agricultural enterprises

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 44-48

In article methods and the receptions investigated at imitating modelling of process of diagnostics are considered, methodical approaches to the analysis and diagnostics of a financial and economic condition of the enterprises are developed.

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Social responsibility: the role and value in loyalty formation to the company in the consumer market in the conditions of post-crisis development of the Russian economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.2),
p. 40-43

Possibility of use of social responsibility as the marketing tool intended for forming of long-term relationship with clients, satisfaction of the consumer and «loyalty» formation at it in relation to the company is considered. In the conditions of post-crisis development of national economy social responsibility of business should be considered as the style of business activity accepted voluntary and making significant, preventive impact on formation and management of loyalty from consumers.

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