Economic theory: between the past and the future

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.1),
p. 58-62

Question about the crisis of economic theory that arises, then dies, depending on the stability of the market-capitalist system. Economic growth in the second half of XX century, called “golden age”, has provided an unprecedented early triumph of neo-classical, and the development of globalization has expanded its influence. Permanent financial and economic crisis at the turn of the century ХХ–ХХI greatly shaken the position of the main flow (Mainstream). We implemented an alternative attempt to justify the new economic paradigm at the level of its “hard core” and deriving from it the contours of economic theory.

Keywords: neoclassical economic theory; methodological individualism; Mainstream; social (socialized) individual; marginalism; neo-Keynesianism; scientific paradigm; economic interests; “hard core” paradigm; a form of labor; a form of product; property

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606