Economic theory: between the past and the future

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.1),
p. 58-62

Question about the crisis of economic theory that arises, then dies, depending on the stability of the market-capitalist system. Economic growth in the second half of XX century, called “golden age”, has provided an unprecedented early triumph of neo-classical, and the development of globalization has expanded its influence. Permanent financial and economic crisis at the turn of the century ХХ–ХХI greatly shaken the position of the main flow (Mainstream). We implemented an alternative attempt to justify the new economic paradigm at the level of its “hard core” and deriving from it the contours of economic theory.

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New institutionalism: «traps», transaction costs, «Coase theorem» and time

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.1),
p. 39-57

The article considers the main problem of the new institutionalism — evaluation of inefficiency of institutions, we analyze the possibility to provide this kind of inefficiency in the form of «trap» to describe either by changing the depth of dysfunction of institutions. In connection with the emerging incorrect explanations of transaction costs and the «Coase theorem» refined and developed the basic position of the new institutionalism. The article analyzes the time as a resource for the agent and its decisions. The efficiency of transactions, as well as assessment of transaction costs can be realized by estimating the time as a primary resource.

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Institutions of development and quasi institutions of development in Russian economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.1),
p. 22-38

The article is devoted to the institutional conditions disclosure those lead to developmental institutions formation with various quality in the Russian economy. Definition of «quasi developmental institutions» is suggested.

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Life-cycle concept’s application to the economic analysis of firm

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.1),
p. 8-21

The most important advances in modern theory of firm have been done at the margin of several academic conceptions. The article presents a new approach to economic analysis of firm using many-sided instruments on the basis of managerial theory of life cycle (of product, firm and industry), microeconomics and financial investment analysis.

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An invasive economy (Russia: from the post-soviet economy — to the «quasi post-soviet» one?)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.1),
p. 4-7

The article focuses on the political and economic characteristics of the Russian economy.

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