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  • Socio-economic factors behind inequality in the access to education amongst people with disabilities: An econometric analysis

Socio-economic factors behind inequality in the access to education amongst people with disabilities: An econometric analysis

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 20 (no. 4),

The article examines the socio-economic factors of inequality in access to the education system among children and youth with disabilities. The research question relates to the discrimination that accompanies children and youth with disabilities aged 3 to 24 years, which corresponds to the official age of a person to study, from the preprimary to higher education. We found that persons with disabilities are statistically significantly less likely to be included in the education, and these differences are especially stark at pre-primary school and after 15 years of age, which normatively corresponds to the end of the lower secondary school. An econometric analysis revealed that the educational attendance of people with disabilities is consistently associated with such factors as poverty, place of residence, and the type of disability. The article ends with recommendations for social policy on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the educational process
Citation: Avanesian G., Borovskaya M., Astoyants M., Tarasenko L. (2022). Socio-economic factors behind inequality in the access to education amongst people with disabilities: An econometric analysis. Terra Economicus 20(4), 87–98 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2022-20-4-87-98
Acknowledgment: The research is supported by Southern Federal University, 2022, project № ВнГр-07/2020-02-АП.

Keywords: disability; inclusiveness; education system; labor market; equality of opportunity; econometric analysis

JEL codes: I24, J14, J24, Z13

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606