1. All manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board to be considered for publication in Terra Economicus (short description TE) are to be checked, during two weeks, for their accordance with the Requirements to Authors defined by the Editorial Board. The manuscripts that do not correspond to the requirements would be rejected. The manuscripts that have been prepared in accordance with the requirements are subject to a double-blind peer-review process.
2. Process of reviewing is confidential. All information about the reviewer is anonymous to the authors and available to the Editorial Board only. The reviewer selected among leading scientists is assigned considering his research interest and specialization in particular areas of economic science. Reviewers have publications on the subject of peer-reviewed articles (in the last 3 years).
3. The review process may take up to 9 months.
4. The reviewer should provide written, unbiased feedback on the scholarly merits and scientific value of the work.
5. The feedback should include a qualified analysis of the material presented in the manuscript, its objective assessment, and justified recommendations. The reviewer has to indicate whether the writing is clear, concise, and relevant and rate the work’s composition, scientific accuracy, originality, and interest to readers.
6. List of References of the manuscript submitted should include main studies on the research topic, contemporary journal publishing articles of different Russian and foreign authors. Recommended self-citation rate is not to exceed 20%.
7. Based on peer review, the article may be declined or returned to the authors as requiring improvement or accepted for publication. If the reviewer concludes to accept the article for publication, the manuscript is reviewed by the Editorial Board again (in two weeks), and the Editorial Board decides on publication.
8. In case of rejection to publish an article, editors send motivated refusal to the author in two weeks since the last negative feedback had been received from the reviewer. The Editorial Board cannot enter into correspondence about papers rejected. Authors of manuscripts rejected are allowed to resubmit their manuscripts only once.
9. When negatively criticized, the manuscript may be sent for a repeated review. Articles sent out to authors for correction should be returned to the Editorial Board no later than two months after reception (or more, if additional research is required). The repeated review is to be implemented by the same reviewer and lasts no more than two months.
10. After the reviewer’s approval, the manuscripts are to be considered by the Editorial Board in two weeks.
11. The Editorial Board meeting takes place at least once a month, to reach a final decision on manuscripts’ publication, its terms, and format. After the decision is made, the articles are submitted for publication.
12. All reviews are kept in the Editorial Board for 5 years. The Editorial Board is obliged to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation in case of the relevant request.
for the manuscripts submitted to be considered for publication in
Terra Economicus
Relevance in a specific scientific area according to the Nomenclature of specialties accepted by the Higher Attestation Commission |
Correspondence to the Journal themes/orientation/certain section |
Does the publication meets the requirements for research publication standards |
Scientific novelty |
Theoretical contribution and/or practical application |
Recommendations for change |
Accept |
Requires improvement |
Decline |
Views: 6026
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“Terra Economicus” would like to invite academics, researchers, lecturers, policymakers, and practitioners to submit original articles to be considered for publication.
Publication ethics of “Terra Economicus” implies fundamental ethical requirements for scientific publication as the main journals' policy which contains aspects of the Editorial Board members’, authors’ and reviewers’ ethical behavior.
Editorial Board of “Terra Economicus” respect author's rights, recognizing the importance of science workers in utilization of science and scientific methods for the benefit of mankind and for the preservation of peace and the reduction of international tensions. This is in accordance with the UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Scientific Researchers of 20 November 1974.
Authors submitting the manuscripts to be considered for publication in “Terra Economicus”, should take into account that:
- The authors should provide original materials to the Editorial Board. If a significant part of the submitted manuscript to the editor had previously been published elsewhere, the author is obliged to refer to it and prove the need for publication of a new manuscript, pointing out the fundamental difference between the new manuscript and the preceding.
- The Editorial Board has to be sure that manuscripts submitted for publication has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
- All manuscripts submitted for publication should be prepared in accordance with the instructions to authors defined by the Editorial Board. The manuscripts that do not correspond to the requirements would be rejected. Authors of manuscripts rejected are allowed to resubmit their manuscripts only once.
- All manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board go through a double-blind peer review process.
- The Editorial Board cannot enter into correspondence about papers rejected.
Authorship implies responsibility and accountability for published work.
Our intellectual property rights protection policy (copyright protection policy) implies that the author submitting manuscript to be considered for publication do not infringe the copyrights of others.
Plagiarism is treated as the deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own. Duplicate publication, or self-plagiarism, occurs when an author reuses substantial parts of his or her own published work without providing the appropriate references. By submitting manuscript to the Editorial Board of “Terra Economicus”, author accepts that his or her manuscript is screened for plagiarism against previously published works.
Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized will incur plagiarism sanctions:
- immediate rejection of the submitted manuscript or published article;
- prohibition against all of the authors for any new submissions.
Researcher’s misunderstanding, or unconscious errors caused by the nature of research process, that are not faked-up by the researcher; the conflict data, differences in interpretation of findings and experimental developments, are not to be considered as copyright infringement or authorship violation.
Preventing violations of authors’ copyrights and intellectual property rights imply:
- using software that help to identify plagiarism automatically or in cases when suspicion arises;
- authors’ support in cases of their copyright infringement;
- willingness to protect copyrights and apply the legal penalties for copyright infringement.
To ensure objectivity, thorough examination of each case of copyright infringement should be made, and the arguments of all parties involved should be concerned.
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The journal allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions.
The journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allows readers to use them for any other lawful purpose.
Views: 3694