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  • The necessity of economic choice. Why is the information about the salary concealed? Why are people ready to work for free? Why don’t worms like strawberries?

The necessity of economic choice. Why is the information about the salary concealed? Why are people ready to work for free? Why don’t worms like strawberries?

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 3),
p. 195-203

J. Meynstring began one of his speeches (Oklahoma, 1929) with the outstanding words: “Do you think that economics is a dismal science? You just haven’t learnt the chemistry!” To continue the great Californian economist’s traditions, I introduce you a course of popular science lectures of economics, which I have given in Novosibirsk in last ten years. The second lecture is about the fundamental principle of limited resources in economics. This basic principle explains the necessity of economic choice. The lecture considers the connections between the basic economic categories: needs, motives, purposes, resources, goods, economic choice. You’ll know how to define the right purpose that will bring you success. Understanding of the motives will help you to be successful in management. If you’ll read carefully, you’ll find the secrets of selling «unrealizable» goods. You’ll know why you should conceal the salary of employees from their colleagues. You’ll understand psychophysiological reasons of emergence of «insatiable consumers».

Keywords: economics; economic choice; popular science lecture; needs; motive; purpose; goods; resources

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606