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  • 2012
  • No 1.3
  • Proactive crisis management in ensuring the economic security of business entities

Proactive crisis management in ensuring the economic security of business entities

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 129-132

The paper presents the author's approach to the essence of crisis management in terms of economic security companies. The author analyzes the main areas of crisis management in the enterprise. The paper proposes the concept of preventive crisis management, the essence of which is to prevent the cris s state of production, economic and financial criteria.

Keywords: crisis; crisis management; economic security; enterprise management strategy

  • Антикризисный менеджмент /под ред. проф. А.Г. Грязновой М.: ЭКМОС, 1999.
  • Антикризисное управление: учебник — 2-е изд.; дополнения и переработки / под ред. проф. Э.М. Короткова. М.: Инфра-М, 2006.
  • Справочник кризисного управляющего / под. ред. проф. Э.А. Уткина / М.: ЭКМОС, 1999.
Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606