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  • No 1.1
  • Transformational processes and human development: influence of socioeconomic inequalities

Transformational processes and human development: influence of socioeconomic inequalities

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.1),
p. 70-88

The article discusses the major trends of intra–country and cross–country social and economic inequalities during the latest 40 years and their impact on the level of human development and its components. Russia’s position and prospects in the global trends of income, education, health average level and inequality dynamics are highlighted. Based on his statistical analysis of the panel data on the countries which experienced systemic transformations during the period the author defines under what conditions social and economic inequalities prove to be efficient means for formation, reallocation and utilization of human capital thus stimulating social development whereas under what conditions they tend to become its obstacles.

Keywords: systemic transformations; human capital; social and economic inequalities; labor economics; economics of education; economics of health

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606