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  • The role of labor potential in implementation of energy efficiency policy at industrial enterprises


TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 17 (no. 1),

Citation: Gaboyan, A. G., Podgajnov, D. V., and Belousov, V. M. (2019). The role of labor potential in implementation of energy efficiency policy at industrial enterprises. Terra Economicus, 17(1), 174–188. DOI: 10.23683/2073-6606-2019-17-1-174-188

This paper provides an analysis and systematization of various approaches to the conceptual and terminological interpretation of industrial policy, and energy efficiency policy as its key component. Empirical evidence shows that successful implementation of tactical and strategic energy saving plan goals depends on the quality of organization and use of human resource capacity at appropriate hierarchical levels. This perspective is justified by the idea that across the enterprise, employees’ goal orientations, as well as their professional competencies, play an important role. Research findings show that reliable and objective assessment of human resource capacity of an industrial enterprise using the methodical modelling and informational tools is an important prerequisite for the managerial resonance (goal coordination, managerial decisions and enterprise-wide results), and for harmonization of innovation processes across the organizations’ units, services and departments oriented for energy efficiency. A model for assessing the quality of employees’ professional competencies is designed and tested, with the energy conservation policy framework taken into account. The analytical tools developed by the authors suggest as the instruments for the rating procedures applicable to all employees of a specific enterprise, with their engagement in the “lean production” procedures as the main criterion (including quantitative parameters and qualitative characteristics). The paper shows that the cumulative efficiency of the employees’ activities in implementation of energy-conservation policies might be improved not only due to individual and professional competencies, but also due to their reasonable combinations and complementarities between them.

Keywords: industrial enterprises; energy efficiency policy; labor potential; system of synergetic relations; model of employee quality assessment; rating

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606