TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 16 (no. 4),

Clusters are more often viewed not only as one of the means for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to achieve competitive advantage through clustering but also as link that enables to focus on resource efficiency challenges and setting up circular value chains. Climate change is at the top of the agenda recently which makes resource efficiency to come under discussion. This paper aims at analyzing circular economy and looking for possibilities to connect business and science so that innovative technologies and products are developed to increase SMEs’ resource efficiency through clusters and cluster organizations. Bibliometric literature analysis technique was chosen to qualify circular economy, resource efficiency and clusters, as well as to detect the evidence that clusters can be enablers of resource efficiency and circular economy between SMEs; indicators are introduced to detect these linkages. The findings suggest that the principles of circular economy can be detected between companies within a cluster and resource efficient actions may arise from close cooperation, knowledge transfer, innovative solutions and competitive advantages which are imparted by the cluster. This study needs to be continued to implicate these indicators to test how close cooperation and other advantages that companies can obtain from belonging to a cluster can affect their engagement in circular economy and resource efficiency. These benefits can be used in further development of circular value chains within a cluster.

Keywords: clusters; circular economy; resource efficiency; knowledge transfer; competitiveness; system of indicators

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
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ISSN: 2073-6606