Three «images» of the WTO in Russian newspapers

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 106-114

This article is devoted to the debate about the risks and potential benefits of Russia's WTO accession. The author pays particular attention to the arguments of supporters and opponents of Russia's WTO accession. The article deals with the specifics of position of authority, business and experts on this issue. The author analyzes three Russian newspapers – «Argumenty i Fakty», «Vedomosti» and «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» since August 2012 to December 2013. Particular attention is paid to the presentation of these papers the problems of agriculture and agricultural engineering industries as the most vulnerable in the new conditions. It is concluded that these newspapers form different «images» of the WTO, reflecting the positions of consumers, business and government executives.

Keywords: risks and potential benefits of Russia's WTO accession; public discussion; agendasetting in media

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606