Geoeconomic paradigm of scientific research

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 4.3),
p. 10-17

In the article geoeconomics is considered in the framework of geospatial approach as a geoeconomic reality and scientific discipline. The peculiarities of geoeconomic paradigm of scientific research and particularity of its state-centrist and economic-centrist models are also disclosed. The Russian scientific diskruse developed different ideas about geekonomicheskoy research paradigm. Some scientists, focusing on the Western scientific tradition, considering geo-economics as the latest form of geopolitics and offer statist (gosudarstvotsentristskuyu) model geo paradigm. Other researchers believe that the post-industrial era of geopolitics and geo-economics absorbs offer antietatistskuyu (ekonomikotsentristskuyu) model of geo-economic paradigm.

Keywords: spatial turn, geospatial approach; constructive realism; globalism; geopolitics; geoeconomics; geoeconomic paradigm; state-centrist model of geoeconomic paradigm; economic-centrist model of geoeconomic paradigm

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606