Creation of Nobel concern in Russia in the early twentieth century

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 4.1),
p. 62-73

The article, in the case of the Nobel concern, considers a place of family-related attitudes in formation and development of organizational structures of the Russian business in the beginning of XX century. The author’s analysis does not confirm the thesis that in the process of distribution of the associated forms of the capital the importance of individual-family norms of business dealing is reduced. It is necessary to speak about modification of similar norms in connection with occurrence and development of the new organizational bases which demanded redistribution of the rights and powers, primarily in sphere of property and control. The author demonstrates that the set of institutional regulators (both formal and informal) existing in Russia stimulated, at a corresponding market situation, a development of family businesses and their subsequent transformation into a major corporation.

Keywords: entrepreneurship in Russia; history of entrepreneurship; Nobel concern; firm; ownership; management; resources; institutions

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606