Metaphorism of institutionalism: physicalism vs biologism

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 34-51

The critical review of physical and biological metaphors in the institutional economic theory is presented in the article. The author proves that physical (including mechanistic) analogies appropriate most for the associative characteristic of a statics and kinetics of institutional systems, whereas biological ones fit more for the figurative description of their evolution. The duality of effects of institutionalist categorial apparatus metaphorization – namely, overcoming of reductionism and ambiguity strengthening – is revealed. Efficiency of use of metaphors and analogies from the most developed, vanguard areas of natural science researches is shown.

Keywords: metaphors; institutionalism; physicalism; biologism; institutions; path dependence; friction; dysfunctions; «traps»; genetics; evolution

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