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  • No 4.3
  • The improvement of interaction management system of government regional institutes, business, research and education structures

The improvement of interaction management system of government regional institutes, business, research and education structures

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 4.3),
p. 242-246

In order to develop more effective mechanisms for cooperation between government, business, scientific and educational environment at the regional level it is first necessary to improve the system of innovation governance in the country. It will strengthen the regional ecosystem and balance the competitive advantages of a territorial entity. The analysis of approaches and interaction mechanism of regional institutes of government, business research and education structures is presented in this article.

Keywords: innovation development centers; the national innovation system; market of innovations; growth centers; transfer of knowledge; cluster; local institutions of innovation management

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606