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  • No 4.3
  • Intangible assets as a factor of management and competitive advantage of industrial enterprises

Intangible assets as a factor of management and competitive advantage of industrial enterprises

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 4.3),
p. 116-119

The article discusses the formation of modern concepts on intangible assets, which are the objects of intellectual capital or the total capital, as well as other elements, which are not dealt with in the framework of a certain components of one or another of the capital, but, in fact, may be included in their composition. Of all the sources of the formation of competitive advantages of the company, forming block of structural, resource, technical, managerial and market factors are its main intangible resources, because of their elements even in quantitative terms exceed the number of other factors, entering in each of the blocks.

Keywords: intangible assets; industries; approaches; structuring of material assets

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606