Ecological-economic analysis of the oil and gas industry

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 4.2),
p. 80-83

It is well-known that in the last decade in connection with sharp reduction of volumes of prospecting works rates of reproduction of mineral resources of Russia considerably decreased. And developed stocks didn't fill their production. The essential reserve, capable to soften this situation in the future, involvement in a turn of small fields available and opened, unfortunately, generally, creation of conditions for rational development of the exhausted deposits is. In article подымаются the questions connected with ekologo-economic diagnostics and formation of scenarios of development, connected with completion of oil-and-gas resources, the optimum version of the decision also allows to develop. As a result of the complex analysis of a deep structure of North Caucasus region a number of objects of hydrocarbonic raw materials from which many are new is planned and lie at available depths.

Keywords: oil and gas branch; ekologo-economic analysis of North Caucasus region; mineral resources

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606