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  • No 3.1
  • Everything for country’s defences? On the issue of USSR’ war capacity during pre-war five-year periods

Everything for country’s defences? On the issue of USSR’ war capacity during pre-war five-year periods

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 3.1),
p. 77-83

This article is devoted to the problem of military development in USSR during 1930–1940th. The relevance of this research is the fact that the problem of financing of military expenditure and development in USSR paid little attention in the domestic and foreign science, has not been carried out comparative analysis of military expenditure of Soviet state in the period under review in relation to other great states of the time. The main provisions of the article concludes in: Soviet Union spent little money, in comparison with the other major states, on the military, the Soviet leadership was absorbed with the creation of expensive repressive apparatus, to which money was spent for not less than all of the defense industry.

Keywords: Great Patriotic war; Second world war; the period of Stalinism; the first five-year plans; military development; military history of Russia; political repressions in USSR; history of Russian Finance

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606