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  • No 2.2
  • Principles and approaches to enhance the effectiveness of government intervention in the municipal economy at regional level

Principles and approaches to enhance the effectiveness of government intervention in the municipal economy at regional level

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.2),
p. 175-178

In article municipalities from formation positions socially and economically responsible system of regional government are considered. In a context of this research the external environment of system of a local economy and internal structure of municipal economy were allocated, thus a backbone element is the municipal property as the main property complex of the city. System of municipal management, for formation of strategy of the complex social and economic development, created under the influence of a set of factors it is possible to characterize as open rather independent, legally independent, complex social and economic system localized by the concrete local territory.

Keywords: municipal property; municipal economy; social and economic development of the region
Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606