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  • No 1.1
  • Innovations, organization, stability and crises from the position of International Joseph Alois Schumpeter Society

Innovations, organization, stability and crises from the position of International Joseph Alois Schumpeter Society

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.1),
p. 146-156

This paper presents an analytical review of some reports made at the conference «Innovation, Organisation, Sustainability and Crises», held in the summer of 2010, Denmark, Aalborg. The conference was organized by the International Schumpeter Society (ISS). The review includes both plenary and sectional reports. The review includes the main provisions of the participants’ reports, as well as elements of the discussion.

Keywords: innovation; crisis; evolution; Schumpeter; Keynes

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606